"This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it."
William James, philosopher (1842-1910)
Monday, 29 January 2007
Saturday, 20 January 2007
More manliness per pound
Nick likes to wear iconic buildings like a hat
So, on Tuesday, I caught the ferry to Manly. Now, some cynical folk might accuse me of going to Manly only to repeatedly perform the same cheap visual gag. That would be a half truth. For while there was undoubtedly that part of me that wished to see how far such a blatant source of hilarity could be taken, it's also meant to be a pretty nice part of Sydney to see.
However, one word of warning: please do not injure yourself whilst laughing at my attempted facial hair.
Last Sunday, we went to a massive Brazilian Jazz concert put on for free in the centre of Sydney as a part of the Sydney Festival. How can you go wrong when something is free? Especially when there are loads of bats flying about overhead.
As you will have noticed there is a picture of me with a surfboard above. Yep, yesterday I learnt to surf. Well, I say learnt to surf but it's going to take practice before I can stay standing on the damn board for more than about 5 seconds. Surfing is harder than it looks. A lot harder. It looks so easy, yet it actually requires exertion of every part of your body. If it wasn't so fun I'd have thought I was getting exercise. Shudder.
The guys teaching us couldn't have been any more surfer stereotypes if they were trying. When we were finished, they handed out questionnaires to do with what we thought of the course and our instructors. When asking us to fill them in, they also asked us to bear in mind how we thought they would cope in the real world, not one where they hang out with a bunch of backpackers on a beach all day, teaching them to surf. They had a point.
Tomorrow or Monday we are off back to Melbourne, in search of jobs (urgh) and a flat to base ourselves in for a couple of months while we work. Not sure what I'll do yet, it'll be easiest to get bar work I guess, but I might be equally swayed by something I've never done before, e.g. gardening perhaps. Nick's just going to hang around on street corners, plying his trade.
Everyone knows who Harold Bishop from Neighbours is don't they? Well, I was talking to a Scottish guy the other day who said he went on the Neighbours set tour in Melbourne. At the end of the tour there was a Q&A with some of the "stars". One guy asks (he must have spent all day coming up with this one) the guy who plays Harold why he is so fat now. Completely unruffled, he answers: "Because every time I shagged your mum she gave me a cookie". Harold Bishop 1, other guy 0.
Monday, 15 January 2007
Sydney Harbour
The quality of any videos won't be up to much because they come from my camera which is for photos, not videos. But you get the idea, which is that it was a sunny day in Sydney and we wanted to be a couple of smug bastards. Or in my case, just stare the camera down menacingly...
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Don't forget to take a towel
Us in a train that travels at 52 degrees up a massive incline
Mark Williams: Backpacker, fop AND Wildlife photographer
A section of Wentworth Falls
Some dashing young fellow
Oh yeah, and now i've set up a way to upload videos so check this out. The slight groan you hear at the end is the Korean guy going under the fall, no funny business. I know I spent a couple of weeks in Sydney's gay district but I'm still a pillar of heterosexuality.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Passing out on New Year's Eve
Darlington, where Kate's flat is, is the heart of Sydney's gay scene. In the Lonely Planet guide, out of 11 gay nightspots in Sydney, 8 of them are around here. Also, we are sharing a sofa bed. On the wall by the sofa bed we are watched over by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall sharing a warm embrace from a 'Brokeback Mountain' calendar. But it gets better. The first night we were here, I was knackered from a long coach journey so didn't go out. But the message I received from Nick at 2.24 that night was as follows: "I'm at a gay club. There are lots of men with their shirts off. My destiny is complete."
To wrap up, whilst we were still in Melbourne, we went to the biggest casino in the southern hemisphere. One of our mates won $200. I did not. We went to a club that was hidden down an alley next to brilliantly named ACDC Lane. I've bought a couple of festival tickets for February, one called Good Vibrations will be headlined by Jurassic 5 and the Beastie Boys (sweet). The other is called Laneways Festival and is held in an alley.
Keep enjoying the sunshine people